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Prof. Byunghoon Kang and his team is awarded a research grant from ONR


ONR (Office of Naval Research, Department of Defense, USA) decided to support Prof. Byunghoon Kang's project "Towards Dialects Computing in Network and System Protocols". The research team consists of Prof. Byunghoon Kang, postdoctoral researchers Dr. JinSoo Jang and Dr. Hojoon Lee, and 10 Ph.D./Master candidates. They will conduct a study on blocking various attacks exploiting a formal protocol by polymorphizing existing network and system protocols. The research period will be three years (September 2018 - August 2021), and a total of 1.5 billion won ($ 1,366,665) will be granted. Cases where the US Department of Defense directly supports overseas universities are unusual, suggesting recognition of the excellence of the team’s information protection research capacity.
