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SoC alumnus Jae-Pil Heo, Ph.D., appointed Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University


Our very own School of Computing graduate Jae-Pil Heo, Ph.D. (2015, advisor: Prof. Sung-Eui Yoon) was appointed an Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University.

Dr. Jae-Pil Heo researched image signature compression and indexing techniques for large-scale image search, and worked as an Adobe intern, and a researcher in ETRI.

Dr. Heo’s main areas of interest include: large-scale image search, scalable nearest neighbor search, compact data representation for high dimensional data collision detection, and geometric data structures and algorithms.

His principal research achievements are as follows:

Shortlist Selection with Residual-Aware Distance Estimator for K-Nearest Neighbor Search
Jae-Pil Heo, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Jonathan Brandt, and Sung-eui Yoon
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016

Distance Encoded Product Quantization
Jae-Pil Heo, Zhe Lin, and Sung-Eui Yoon
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014

VLSH: Voronoi-based Locality Sensitive Hashing
Tieu Lin Loi, Jae-Pil Heo, Junghwan Lee, and Sung-Eui Yoon
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013

We congratulate his appointment as Assistant Professor.
